Past Winners

Recognition of achievement has always been a central platform upon which CEW was built. Each year CEW honours the achievements of both men and women in the industry with its Achiever Awards. To see our Achiever Award recipients throughout the years, click on the year below.



Lifetime Achiever

Lisa Eldridge

Makeup Artist, Author,

Broadcaster & Founder

Special Industry Award

Aaron Chatterley



Errol Douglas


Hairdresser Of The Year


Sue Fox


The Estée lauder

Companies (ELC) UK

& Ireland

Sarah Jossel


Beauty Director

& Columnist

The Sunday Times Style

Colette Laxton & Mark Curry

CO’s Founders & CEO’s

The Inkey List

DR Anna Persaud

CEO, This Works & VP

Skincare & Topicals,

Canopy Growth

Young Achiever

Madeleine White

Founder & CEO,

Juni Cosmetics

Digital Achiever

The Glow Getter