In this edition, we sit down with Charlene Flanagan and Niamh Ryan, the powerhouse duo behind Ella & Jo, to discuss their journey, how they navigated challenges, and their vision for the future.
Can you share a little about your journey and what inspired you to create Ella & Jo together?
Ella & Jo was born in 2017 after we both saw a gap in the industry for products that were effective at delivering incredible skin results while also bringing a moment of joy into everyone’s day. We understand our customer because we are our customer and she’s usually at the bottom of her to-do list each day. We have created a range of products that help her to pause & feel like she gets back a moment of me-time in her busy day so whether it’s a spa like moment with our iconic Ella & Jo Melt The Day Away Cleansing Balm or a quick spritz of our Ella & Jo 3in1 Hyaluronic Skin Mist every product we have created throughout our 7 years is designed to give her the results she is looking for while also bringing her a moment of joy.
Ella & Jo focuses on skincare and beauty with a luxurious, yet accessible feel. How did you decide on the creative direction and voice for your brand?
From day one we wanted Ella & Jo to feel like the best friend in your beauty bag, the product you literally can’t help but feel good about yourself after you use it. Everything from the packaging to our product names and how we communicate with our customers, it’s designed to bring you joy. As the founders we are very much the faces of our brand, we have the advantage of having one to one direct contact with our customers. They are the heart of Ella & Jo and everything we create is for them. When we get blinded by the shiny opportunities sometimes, we always come back to them and what they need.
What were some of the biggest hurdles you faced when first launching Ella & Jo, and how did you navigate those challenges?
Launching a business can feel like jumping into the deep end not knowing how to swim but somehow you figure it out along the way. Throw in maternity leaves with both of us, having four children between us in the first 2.5 years we certainly gave ourselves a run for our money. We were doing it all ourselves in the beginning, building the website, social media, packing orders, working on the formulations and customer service but those early days taught us so much, we have always been a big believer in communication and sharing the load with another like-minded person especially as you navigate challenges is something money can’t buy so if you don’t have a business partner find yourself a mentor or a network of like-minded people to bounce your ideas off & share the mental load.
Running a brand with two founders can come with differing opinions. How do you both stay aligned on the brand vision and find common ground when needed?
The beauty of our partnership has evolved over the years, we both bring our own wealth of knowledge to the business and because we have been so close to every stage, we have an incredible knowledge and respect for what each other can bring to the table. Of course we don’t always agree but we respect each other so much, we believe in always openly communicating with each other and honestly just always having a good laugh, we remind ourselves quite regularly that we’re not brain surgeons, we share the same goal, to create products and a brand that makes people feel their best so lean into that & trust each other’s strengths.
When you look at the future of Ella & Jo, what’s your vision for the next few years? Are there any exciting plans or new products in the pipeline?
Our goal is to continue innovating, expanding our range with some very exciting new launches coming this year, we want to reach more people on a global scale, more experiential retail partnerships, more game-changing formulas, and, of course, more joy, because that’s what Ella & Jo is all about!
As founders, what’s the most rewarding part of seeing Ella & Jo grow and connect with your customers and in the industry?
As founders, the most rewarding part of seeing Ella & Jo grow is knowing that we’re making a real impact on people. There’s nothing quite like hearing from customers who say our products have transformed their skin for the better or given them back a moment of self-care in their busy day. Connecting with our community, seeing their love for the brand, and watching Ella & Jo become a trusted name in the industry is beyond our wildest dreams. To see this model translate across international markets & watching the brand grow across the globe including winning CEW Best New Brand in Prestige Category and most recently in the UAE was a moment in time we will never forget.
What advice would you give to other founders looking to start their own beauty brand?
For anyone looking to start their own beauty brand, find your tribe, start off by finding people that have walked the path already and invite them for a chat or a coffee, ask them questions and listen, you’ll be surprised how open people are to mentor, the CEW mentorship programme was an incredible resource for us starting out. Make sure you know your “why”, The beauty industry is competitive, so having a strong mission and a deep understanding of your customer is key. Most importantly, be passionate and persistent, success doesn’t happen overnight, but if you truly believe in what you’re creating that’s where the true magic happens and just go for it!!