Tisserand Aromatherapy is marking 50 years of blending essential oils. Founded by Robert Tisserand in 1974, Tisserand Aromatherapy was the first brand to introduce aromatherapy to the UK market, with the ever-popular 100% natural pure essential oils at the heart. Fifty years on, the UK’s leading aromatherapy brand has sold:
1. 50,000 units a year across two leading retailers
2. Enough essential oil bottles over the years to stand as tall as 7,000 Eiffel Towers
3. Or – enough bottles to line the route from the UK to Bulgaria, the home of its lavender
Best-sellers include the Lavender Oil, which now features in 37 other blended product – with the Sleep Better Pillow Mist sitting in the #1 best-selling product spot, and harmonising oils such as Rose and Clary Sage seeing a revival in recent years, with their application for women’s wellbeing blends.
JP Hunting, Head of Account Management at Tisserand commented, “We have never compromised on what’s inside the bottle and only ever use 100% natural pure essential oils. This is becoming more unique within the current aromatherapy space. When we say 100% natural pure essential oils, we mean it. Take our Pillow Mist, for example. It was one of the first pillow mists sold in mainstream UK retailers and has been copied many times over the past 6 years. What makes ours unique, however, is that we don’t use synthetic fragrances – just a soothing blend of Lavender, Sandalwood, and Jasmine. We believe there’s simply no need for filler ingredients and harsh chemicals. Nature provides us with nourishing remedies, and we have years of experience and expertise to find the best ways to bring them to you!” JP added, “Our range has helped change how aromatherapy has been viewed, from essential oils aimed purely at the informed aromatherapist to pre-blended wellness products that bring natural ingredients into mainstream use”.